A creative soul, with an eye for detail.

This is how I describe myself in one phrase.

I love being creative, especially graphic design and being able to build a whole new brand identity and making sure a brand comes to life. But I learn a lot from my kids as well when I can explore the world through their eyes. And last but not least the greatest gift I can give myself in order to stay creative is allowing myself to daydream.
From imagination to reality

Both professionally as well as personally, I get energy from working in a creative flow.

It might seem contradictory but I’m also very punctual. When I reach a goal, this will be the result of my carefully planned process. I think of these two competencies as my core skills.

What else?

Human Capital

More and more, I believe the people of a company become the most important ambassadors of your brand. New business opportunities arise when human capital is being managed carefully. I find this a very interesting field. Connecting people, getting to know their intrinsic motivation and helping to close the gap between employers and employees are just a few items I believe will become more important for companies who aim for a more sustainable way of working.
A healthy work/life balance is closely intertwined and should be a business pillar within the corporate culture. I have some great ideas on how your business can create added value to your employees with me as an in-house health consultant. At the end of 2023 I'll be a Orthomolecular therapist (see Education below).

Female Capital

Even more, there are a great number of opportunities for employers who wish to support their female employees from the moment they feel ready to start a family or for those who are already in the transition of motherhood. Try to think about the long term possibilities and return, rather than the short term vision of 9 months. I warmly recommend you to check out MOMCARE. I've been working on this project since 2021. I aim to create more awareness around birth trauma and the wide spectrum of health issues women suffer from because of it. Feel free to contact me if you're curious which opportunities I see for your business on this particular subject.

mock up visual Vascobelo Cups
Vascobelo Cups
Product design for Vascobelo Chocolate

Brand identity

During my previous jobs I had the opportunity to work on new corporate branding projects. For me the challenge lies in creating new products or concepts within the brand identity guidelines. I'm very proud of my creative input and realizations for the full Look&Feel interior design of the Vascobelo Café-Brasseries as well as the total product design of the new Vascobelo Cups sleeves & Vascobelo Chocolates.

Building a brand, making it bigger and more solid, I love being part of this essential business area. Curious to some of these projects? Let's meet for a cappuccino & I can tell you all about them!

Branding, Look & Feel interior for Vascobelo Café-Brasseries around Belgium, Netherlands & Spain.

Caring hand

I start every day with an open mind and positive appearance. I try to infect people with my enthusiasm. During my day I love to inspire people and make them feel heard. I'm capable of stimulating other to proudly speak up and helping them to think more creatively.

Determination & goals

For me, time management is key and I prefer working as efficiently as possible. I keep my focus on the goal but during these past years I have also learnt that plans, processes and goals can change along the way. Therefore I developed other strengths such as being more flexible and open minded for other alternative ways of working and creating adjusted goals.

Open Communication

I believe my communication skills are one of my main strengths. I like to know the facts, I will ask questions if necessary and I reinforce me verbal communication with non verbal body language. I value honest communication and I'm genuinely interested in someone else's story.

We & Me

Together we can achieve more. I experienced this while practicing field hockey at top level in my early twenties. We became Champions of Belgium 3 times and until this day I'm still very proud of those achievements. In my opinion the same goes for the workplace. My motto is "many hands make light work". However, I also enjoy working on my own. It's my moment to fully focus or to recharge my batteries. I'm a strong believer of continuous learning, both on professional skills as wel as on personal development.

Some other facts about me

Nadine Struijk

Antwerp Admirer
Mom of 2
Graphic Stylist
Projector 1/3
Proud founder of Momcare
Looking for a soul-driven brand freelancer?

Atelier Aesthetics

Less noise - more impact

At Atelier Aesthetics, I’m all about distilling your small brand’s essence to its purest form. In an online world often cluttered with noise, I believe that less is more. I’m dedicated to helping your brand authentically stand out, forging genuine connections with your audience on a deeper, more meaningful level.

More on

Work Experiences

Since 2023 // Freelance Community Care, Antwerp

Community & Brand Consultancy

Since 2021 // Founding Momcare, Antwerp

Geboortetrauma Preventie & Geboortetrauma Hersteltherapeut
- Podcast host: Momcare Talk
- Collabs Zobevalik & Home of Wellbeing
- Event Host Zobevalik Summit (2022 & 2023) on Airmeet

Since 2021 // Freelance Graphic Design

Creating birth cards, invitations, flyers, brochures, full brand identity, wall paper visuals

2017 - 2020 // Vascobelo, Antwerp

Brand & interior manager, graphic designer, marketing manager

2014 - 2017 // Toon de Somer, Antwerp

office manager, communication, event & PR, 3D interior design

My favorite Momcare quote:

When a mother blooms, others blossom.

My favorite day to day quotes:

“Where your attention goes energy flows.” – Joe Dispenza

“Het leven is een feest, maar je moet wel zelf de slingers ophangen.”

Dutch written and oral: native
English written and oral: fluent


Let's connect

That’s me in a nutshell – how about that cappuccino?

Nadine Struijk, Antwerp based.

Liesje Brockley Photography
Sarah van Praag Photography
Manon Engels Photography